Journal of Kathmandu BernHardt College
The Journal of Kathmandu BernHardt College (JKBC) is an annual peer-reviewed journal. It is dedicated to advancing knowledge in science, arts, management, and literature. It provides a platform for scholarly discourse, hosting original research, reviews, and valuable academic contributions that shed light on scientific progress, entrepreneurship, human values, and education.
Journal of Nepal Paediatric Society
Journal of Nepal Paediatric Society is the official journal of Nepal Paediatric Society. It is a peer reviewed, open access, paediatric journal and follows the general principles of scientific publications. It is a paediatric journal which publishes articles related to all aspects of health care in neonates, children and adolescents.
Journal of Nepal Paediatric Society is included on DOAJ.
Journal of KIST Medical College
The Journal of KIST Medical College aims to promote and disseminate research activities in the medical field taking place in Nepal. It is published by the KIST Medical College, Kathmandu, Nepal. Also available on its own website.
Journal of Nepal Health Research Council
Journal of Nepal Health Research Council is published by the Nepal Health Research Council. Please see http://jnhrc.com.np/ for the journal’s official website. -
Journal of Management and Development Studies
Official journal of the Nepal Administrative Staff College, Jawalakhel, Lalitpur, Nepal. Also available on the NASC website.
The Journal of Management and Development Studies is the new name for Administration and Management Review which has now ceased publication.
Journal of Nepalese Business Studies
The Journal of Nepalese Business Studies is a peer-reviewed, open access, management journal published annually in December by the Faculty of Management, Prithvi Narayan Campus, Pokhara. The journal welcomes original research papers on topics related to business and administration areas, including but are not limited to: business, marketing, finance, accounting, banking, general management, operation management, human resources management and entrepreneurship.
Journal of Nepalese Business Studies does NOT charge authors for article submission and processing fees.
The journal is also available on the campus website at http://ejournals.pncampus.edu.np/ejournals/jnbs/
Journal of Lumbini Engineering College
The Journal of Lumbini Engineering College is published by the Lumbini Engineering College, Tilottama-7, Bhalwari (Rupandehi) Nepal. It is a research based multi-disciplinary Journal. The aim of this journal is to publish research based articles of different disciplines like Science and Technology, Management, Arts and Education, Medicine, Engineering, Agriculture and Forestry.
Journal of Nepal Pharmaceutical Association
As far as we are aware, this journal is no longer being published.
The Journal of Nepal Pharmaceutical Association (JNPA) is the official journal of the Nepal Pharmaceutical Association (NPA). JNPA is a broad-spectrum, peer-reviewed, international pharmaceutical journal circulated electronically via the World Wide Web. The electronic version of the journal will be published in September and March, but the print version of the journal is published annually.
Journal of Management
The JOM is a peer-reviewed academic research journal that offers a platform for academicians, professionals and scholars to publish their original research in the field of management, commerce studies, economics and managerial communication. The scholarly and research articles published in the present Journal have undergone the editorial peer review process prior to publication to ensure that only the acceptable standard articles are published.
Journal of Multidisciplinary Research Advancements
The Journal of Multidisciplinary Research Advancements (JOMRA) is an international, open access, peer reviewed research journal published by the Global Research Institute and Training Center (GRIT). Research papers, reviews, case studies, technical notes and short communications are published online in this journal.