Journal of Nursing and Health Sciences Nepal
The Journal of Nursing and Health Sciences Nepal (J-NHS-N) is an official publication of Pokhara Nursing Campus, IOM, TU. The journal is a peer reviewed, published annually and invites articles from different areas of nursing and health sciences.
Journal of Population and Development
An official publication of the Department of Population Studies, Patan Multiple Campus, Patan Dhoka, Lalitpur, Nepal.
Journal of Physiological Society of Nepal
Journal of Physiological Society of Nepal (JPSN) is the official journal of Physiological Society of Nepal (JPSN). this journal aims to consider the research reports on any physiological aspect of life that is relevant to human beings.
Journal of Social Protection
A journal published by the Social Protection Civil Society Network, Buddhanagar, Kathmandu, Nepal.
Journal of Productive Discourse
The Journal of Productive Discourse is an international, not for profit, double anonymised peer-reviewed journal of critical readings across disciplines. It aims to provide teachers, students and learned members of the community an authentic open-access platform featuring scholarly research, reviews and perspectives on the state of current discourse on topics of interdisciplinary interest. It is published by Madan Bhandari Memorial College, Kathmandu, Nepal.
Journal of Research and Development
The Journal of Research and Development (JRDN) is an annual publication of Research and Development Nepal (RDN), Dhankuta; Province-1, Nepal.
Journal of Sustainability and Environmental Management
The Journal of Sustainability and Environmental Management is published by Jiwanta Nepal, New Baneshwor 32, Kathmandu, Nepal. The journal can also be found on its own website at https://www.josemjournal.com/
Journal of the Institute of Agriculture and Animal Science
Journal of the Institute of Agriculture and Animal Science (J. Inst. Agric. Anim. Sci.) is an open access journal which publishes original research, case study, short communication and review articles in diverse and integrated areas of Agricultural (biological as well as social) Sciences, Animal Science, Veterinary Science, Food Technology, Aquaculture and Fishery, Conservation Ecology, Climate Change and any relevant theme.
Journal of Technical and Vocational Education and Training
The Journal of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) is published by the Research and Information Division, Council for Technical Education and Vocational Training (CTEVT), Sanothimi, Bhaktapur, Nepal.
Journal of the Institute of Engineering
The official journal of the Institute of Engineering, Tribhuvan University, Pulchowk Campus. Full-text articles available.
Submission Portal: https://tuta.pcampus.edu.np/journal
Journal of TESON
The Journal of TESON is published annually by the Teacher Educators’ Society – Nepal. This research journal publishes papers in the areas of teacher education, higher education, general education and educational issues in all subject areas having important implications for the promotion and improvement of teacher education and teaching in Nepal.
Journal of the Plant Protection Society
The Journal of the Plant Protection Society is published by the Plant Protection Society of Nepal, Hariharbhawan, Lalitpur, Nepal.