Nepalese Journal of Biosciences
Published by the Nepal Biological Society, Biratnagar, Nepal. Full text articles available.
Nepalese Horticulture
The Nepalese Horticulture journal is an official publication of Nepal Horticulture Society. The society was established in 1990 and is one of the oldest professional society of Nepal. The society started to publish the journal “Nepalese Horticulture” since 1997. The Nepalese Horticulture is an open access and single blind peer reviewed journal.
Nepalese Journal of Development and Rural Studies
A publication of the Central Department of Rural Development, University Campus, Tribhuvan University, Kirtipur, Nepal.
Nepalese Journal of Business
Nepalese Journal of Business (NJB) is a half yearly publication on Uniglobe College. The purpose of the journal is to promote research especially in the area of business and disseminate the same to corporate executives, academicians, researchers, business entrepreneurs and students. The journal is a step towards understanding recent trends in business especially in Nepal.
Nepalese Journal of Engineering
As far as we are aware, this journal is no longer being published.
The Nepalese Journal of Engineering is a forum for original research on engineering realm. It aims to provide a common platform for researchers, professors, students and institutions pertaining to it.
Nepalese Journal of Business and Management Studies
Nepalese Journal of Business and Management Studies (NJBMS) is the publication of Management Research Department, Saraswati Multiple Campus, Kathmandu, Nepal. It is a peer-reviewed, open access journal that covers a wide range of research on business, management, finance, accounting, marketing, financial institutions and markets, local government finance, economics and other areas related to business administration.
Nepalese Journal of ENT Head and Neck Surgery
An official biannual publication of Society of Otolaryngologists of Nepal.
Nepalese Journal of Economics
Nepalese Journal of Economics (NJE) is a half yearly publication on Uniglobe College. The purpose of the journal is to promote research in the area of economics and disseminate the same to corporate executives, academicians, researchers, business entrepreneurs and students. The journal is a step towards understanding recent trends in economics.
Nepalese Journal of Insurance and Social Security
Nepalese Journal of Insurance and Social Security is published by the Nepal Insurance and Risk Management Association (NIRMA).
Nepalese Journal of Finance
Nepalese Journal of Finance (NJF) is a half yearly publication on Uniglobe College. The purpose of the journal is to promote research especially in the area of banking and finance and inform the same to corporate executives, academicians, researchers, business entrepreneurs and students. The journal is a step towards understanding recent trends in banking and finance.
Nepalese Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management
The Nepalese Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management is published by Nepal Academy of Tourism and Hotel Management (NATHM), a pioneer academic institute for tourism and hospitality education run under the Nepal Government (Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Civil Aviation) since 1972 with the affiliation with Tribhuvan University.
Nepalese Journal of Management and Technology
Nepalese Journal of Management and Technology is a peer-reviewed journal published by Atlantic International College, Sanmakhushi, Kathmandu, Nepal. It is a peer-reviewed journal that aims to facilitate the rethinking of knowledge, theory, and practice through the publication of cutting-edge research papers in the areas of business studies and allied disciplines such as economics, finance, human resources, business communication, marketing, general management, business-related IT, globalization, investment, and trade.
Nepalese Journal of Management Science and Research
The Nepalese Journal of Management Science and Research is published by the Research Department of Global College International, Mid-Baneshwor, Kathmandu, Nepal.
Nepalese Journal of Management
Nepalese Journal of Management (NJM) is a half yearly publication on Uniglobe College. The purpose of the journal is to promote research in the area of management and disseminate the same to corporate executives, academicians, researchers, business entrepreneurs and students. The journal is a step towards understanding recent trends in different areas of management such as marketing, human resource management, organizational behavior, technology and accounting.
Nepalese Journal of Ophthalmology
Official journal of the Nepal Ophthalmic Society. Full text articles available on NepJOL.
Nepalese Journal of Ophthalmology charges authors article processing fees once accepted for publication.
Articles are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC-ND).Nepalese Journal of Ophthalmology is included on DOAJ.
Nepalese Journal of Management Research
Nepalese Journal of Management Research is an open access, peer-reviewed, and refereed journal published annually by the Research Management Cell of Balkumari College, Narayangarh, Chitwan, Nepal. It aims to provide an intellectual platform for the academia, management researchers, and management students to publish their original works.
Nepalese Journal of Qualitative Research Methods
As far as we are aware, this journal is no longe being published.
Journal published by the Local Initiative Promotion Trust, Nepal. Full text available.